It is no secret that, across the country, many of our schools are experiencing deep cuts in many of their performing arts program. In an environment such as this, a child's access to arts education is largely a function of his or her parents' income. This obviously leaves many children, particularly those that come from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, deprived of much needed exposure to the vibrant and uplifting power of the arts, and represents a grave injustice in a society that has so much. This is unacceptable and we, as a community can do something about it.  

That's why I would like to offer these programs...FREE of CHARGE.

YOU CAN HELP me do this by your small monthly contribution of $5 (less if you have to, more if you can) to my Freedom Song Initiative, community supported grassroots music education movement. 

Your patronage would allow me to:


  • DELIVER HIGH QUALITY MUSIC EDUCATION experiences to students who might not otherwise be able afford it.
  • PREPARE MULTIMEDIA LESSONS that could be used by other teachers in the classroom.
  • HIRE VISITING ARTISTS to come in and share their talent with the class.
  • TRAIN ASSISTANTS, hire musicians, and tech support to work with the youth at concert time.
  • CURATE SOCIAL MEDIA RESOURCES so that students can dive deeper into the subject if they wish i.e. youtube, pinterest, twitter, facebook, websites, etc.
  • CREATE OPPORTUNITIES for these young musicians to perform their music for their community.
  • Offer all of  this AT NO COST to community groups, schools, and choirs.

I hope you will join me in this movement to bring revolutionary music to our planet's young people.  Join me in Uniting the World...One Song (and $1:) at a Time.